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Biały laboratoryjny fartuch damski Rozmiar M 100% bawełna

The Symbol : 1257

Biały laboratoryjny damski fartuch medyczny Kitel rozmiar M

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Rozmiar M


 Nowe fartuchy z naturalnej tkaniny (100% bawełny) bez sztucznych dodatków,




Kitle spełniają wymogi przepisów BHP w pracy na ćwiczeniach i praktykach (długość do kolan, materiał bez sztucznych dodatków, długie rękawy, zapinane mankiety).




WYGLĄD - fartuchy zapinane są na guziki, posiadają dwie duże kieszenie, kieszonkę na piersi, a z tyłu pasek.
Uszyte są z cienkiej 100% bawełny, po złożeniu zajmują niewiele miejsca, tyle co powiększona koperta A4. Kurczliwość materiału po pierwszym praniu 7%. Temperatura prania 40°. Przeznaczone są do noszenia na ubraniu. Produkt polski!

Nasza oferta obejmuje tylko białe, długie fartuchy.

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Safety Information

Security and compliance

Although cotton has many advantages, as a natural material it also has its limitations. A 100% cotton lab coat does not provide the same protection against chemicals as specialized protective clothing made of synthetic materials.

Limited resistance to chemicals: Cotton can absorb certain chemicals, which can lead to them penetrating the skin. No fire resistance: Cotton is a flammable material, so cotton aprons are not suitable for working in places where there is a risk of contact with open flames. No standards: Cotton aprons are usually not certified to protective clothing standards such as EN ISO 13688:2013. When to choose a cotton apron? Working with harmless substances: If you are working with substances that are non-corrosive and do not pose an immediate threat to the skin, a cotton apron may be sufficient. Protection against dirt: Cotton effectively protects clothing from dirt, which is especially important when working in a laboratory. Comfort of work: Thanks to its hygroscopic and breathable properties, cotton provides high comfort of work. Summary

The 100% cotton lab coat is a good choice for people who are looking for simple and comfortable protective clothing. However, it should be remembered that its protective capabilities are limited. When working with chemicals, acids, alkalis or in high-risk conditions, it is recommended to use specialized protective clothing made of materials resistant to chemicals and fire.

Manufacturer details

ul. Starowiejska 91p
34-730 Mszana Dolna

[email protected]

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