Piórnik Colorpeps do pokolorowoania + akcesoria
Piórnik jednokorowy Smiling Planet
wykonany w 100% z bawełnianej tkaniny
zapinany na rzep
nadrukowane wzory do pokolorowania kredkami lub flamastrami spieralnymi
w zestawie 12 kolorów flamastrów Long Life i 12 kolorów kredek Strong
kartonowa zawieszka.
JS.: 1 szt.
Safety Information
For use under direct adult supervision, Need to use protective measures. Do not use in traffic, Not suitable for children under the specified age. For use under adult supervision, This toy does not offer protection, Includes a toy. Adult supervision recommended
It has the CE mark confirming compliance with the requirements of the European Union directive for this type of device.
CE Declaration of Conformity | Complies with EN-71 - Safety of toys
For children over 3 years of age
It has the CE mark confirming compliance with the requirements of the European Union directive - Compliant with the EN-71 standard - Safety of toys
Manufacturer details
MAPED SAS/ CX Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Jana Pawła II nr 66 / 530 ROUTE DE PRINGY
05-500 Piaseczno
22 489 3939
[email protected]